Windows 10 - Validate ADMX for Ingestion

This script process ADMX file or a folder containing ADMX files and generate an output highlighting which part of the ADMX will be rejected by the Ingestion process on Windows 10.


Windows 10 can ingest ADMX file and make them available as a CSP to be used for Modern Management, useful for 3rd party ADMX like chrome (Sample available on code:

This process have some limitations and can reject ADMX file. For detail, see Win32 and Desktop Bridge app policy configuration


.\ADMXValidation.ps1 -Path "C:\Temp\Admx\" [-DisplayCorrectPolicy]

-Path : Path to folder or admx file - Mandatory
-DisplayCorrectPolicy : Display name of correct policies - Optional
.\ADMXValidation.ps1 -Path "C:\Temp\Admx\" [-DisplayCorrectPolicy]
-Path : Path to folder or admx file - Mandatory
-DisplayCorrectPolicy : Display name of correct policies - Optional

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Comments 2

6498523078 3 years ago
Nice script, but I think there might be an error on line 97.
You seem to escape that last single quote.
cdebay 3 years ago
Correct a ( was missing.