API, SDK, and PowerCLI Support Options

If you need assistance with using one of our APIs, SDKs, or PowerCLI commandlets, VMware offers a number of free and paid support options.

Community Support

Join one or more of our developer communities, where you can connect with developers, automation engineers, IT admins, and other VMware product experts around the world. Share knowledge in discussion forums; follow the latest news in our blogs and social media; and participate in talks and events, including developer talks at VMware Explore (formerly VMworld), as well as SpringOne and Spring I/O.

VMware Developer Communities:


Product Support

VMware Global Support Services helps customers find the correct level of support, from developer assistance to a comprehensive customer success offering. See VMware Support Offerings and Services to learn more. (Scroll to the bottom of the page for the latest Product Support Matrix.)

SDK and API Support for Technology Alliance Partners

Partners in the VMware Technology Alliance Partner (TAP) program can obtain SDK and API support by navigating to the TAP Resources page on the Technology Partner Hub site. File a case by clicking TAP Partner Support, and then choose Support.

SDK and API Support for Commercial and Enterprise Organizations

The VMware SDK and API Support program offers expert assistance to guide your development process, including sanity checks, best practice recommendations, and work-around suggestions. This program is ideal for commercial and enterprise organizations building solutions for managing VMware environments. Contact your VMware Sales representative for more information.

Software/Hardware Certification Support for Technology Alliance Partners

Eligible partners currently enrolled in VMware's TAP program and one of VMware's software/hardware certification programs can purchase the relevant support option from Ecosystem Services Products in the VMware Store. If your program is not listed, please review the instructions for certification support provided with your program materials.

Other Support Services for Partners

VMware offers additional partner support services, ranging from incident-based transactional support to subscription-based technical support, including technical support for developers. To learn more, see the Support Services page on Technology Partner Hub.