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Workspace ONE SDK for iOS

Workspace ONE UEM SDK

The Workspace ONE UEM SDK (formerly known as AirWatch SDK) code library for Apple iOS devices can be used to enable additional app config and security capabilities that may not yet be available natively as part of the AppConfig Community. Certain use cases such as granular analytics can be provided through a deeper integration with the SDK. The Workspace ONE SDK for iOS is also a good choice in deployment scenarios where a MDM profile installation on the device is not possible.

This SDK is free and public. It is distributed as a Swift package and will be available through the Workspace ONE SDK for iOS repo releases.

Omnissa Software Development Kit (SDK) License Agreement

Omnissa provides this Software Development Kit (the “Software”) to you subject to the following terms and conditions. By downloading, installing, or using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of SDK License Agreement. If you disagree with any of the terms, then do not use the Software.

For additional information, please visit the Omnissa Legal Center.

Application Integration

To integrate the SDK into your app, proceed as follows.

  1. Open your app project in Xcode.

  2. Navigate to File, Swift Packages, Add Package Dependency...

    This opens the Choose Package Repository screen.

  3. Enter the address of this repository and click Next.

    This opens the Choose Package Options screen.

  4. Select the rule Branch, leave the default value for branch name, and click Next.

    Xcode will resolve the package dependency, which might take some time.

    When resolution finishes, an Add Package screen opens.

  5. Select to add the AWSDK package product to your app target and click Finish.

The SDK has now been added to your application project. You can start the integration work. See the developer documentation.

Other Integration

The SDK can also be integrated into products other than applications, such as frameworks and libraries. Add code like the following to your Package.swift file.

// swift-tools-version:5.9
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME",
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "24.6.0"),

Build your product in the usual way, for example by running the swift build command.

Documentation and Reference

A number of resources are available to assist developers in getting started and using this SDK. Developers should start with Workspace ONE SDK for iOS Getting Started Guide

Additional Resources and Guides

Name Size
Development Guides
Workspace ONE for iOS and iPadOS Base Integration Guide 3.1 MB
Workspace ONE for iOS and iPadOS Integration Preparation Guide 1.7 MB
Workspace ONE Inactivity Wipe Technical Feature Guide 549.8 KB
Workspace ONE SDK Identity Certificate Export Technical Feature Guide 259.9 KB
Workspace ONE SDK URL Scheme Replacement Technical Feature Guide 483.4 KB
Workspace ONE Shared Device Support Technical Feature Guide 349.0 KB
Workspace ONE SDK for iOS (Swift) Developer Guide - latest 2.7 MB
Mobile Application Management Technical White Paper 1.2 MB
Require Device Passcode Technical Feature Guide 449.4 KB
Workspace ONE Software Development Kit License Agreement

Sample Apps

A number of sample applications with code for integration of mobile applications with the Workspace ONE platform are provided in the workspace-ONE-SDK-integration-samples repository.