Management improvements for Windows Update for Business

The script will provide the following configuration options:

  1. Force Microsoft Update
    Since we are not able to overwrite WSUS settings via CSP, this will force the connection to WSUS without deleting any GPO/WU settings.
  2. Direct Download
    This will first download all updates and then install them when requested
  3. Enable Maintenance Window
    If you enable the maintenance window, updates only getting installed during the time
  4. Start Time
    After this time is reached, the update installation will start
  5. End Time
    No new update will be installed after the time - currently installing updates will be finished
  6. Day
    Choose a day of a week - right now the script only supports a one week interval - if you select "none" updates are available for installation everyday
  7. Hidden Updates
    Select KB's you want to block for installation. Multiple KB's are comma separated e.g. "KB123123,KB12312312"
  8. Un-Hidden Updates
    Select KB's you want to allow again for installation. Multiple KB's are comma separated e.g. "KB123123,KB12312312". If an update is on "Hidden" and "Un-Hidden" list - it will be available for installation.

All details can be found here:

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