Core Capabilites of Worspace ONE Intelligence SDK for Developers

Worspace ONE Intelligence SDK offers the following capabilities to monitor, prioritize, troubleshoot, and trend your mobile app performance issues in real-time.

Crash Reporting

A crash is a run-time exception that occurs due to some unexpected event that terminates the user session. Crashes are events that are not handled within a try/catch block in the app. The Crash Reporting page of the portal shows the event, alongside additional metrics to help with root cause analysis and debugging. Crashes are grouped...

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Network Insights

Whenever an app makes a network call, Workspace ONE Intelligence SDK monitors and captures certain information, such as the service name, device type, device OS and OS version, app version and endpoint URI.

For HTTP calls (such as REST apps), Workspace ONE Intelligence SDK monitors and captures the following information:


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Symbolication is the process of translating stack traces into a human-readable form by mapping hexadecimal addresses to function names using symbol file(s). Workspace ONE Intelligence automatically symbolicates crashes once you have uploaded your app’s symbol file(s).

  • For Apple applications, stack traces are reported in...

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Usage Tracking

An app load occurs whenever a user launches the app on their device. When the user begins using an instrumented application, the library automatically records an app load event. Workspace ONE Intelligence then aggregates app loads into rolling daily and monthly active user counts (using a Workspace ONE Intelligence-generated unique identifier),...

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User Name

Developers can set user names (obfuscated) to -

  • determine how many app loads, network call failures and crashes a given user has experienced
  • Viewing a list of users who experienced a crash or handled exception which helps with support tickets and escalation management

Apteligent takes...

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Handled Exceptions

A handled exception is a run-time exception that gets handled within a try / catch block. Handled exceptions are anticipated errors that developers can log with a Apteligent API call. For apps with integrated Apteligent functionality, whenever a handled exception occurs, Apteligent logs it as a handled exception event.

Note: Handled...

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A breadcrumb is a developer-defined text string that is analogous to a log message. Developers insert breadcrumbs to capture app run-time information, such as variable values, app states, progress through the code, user actions, time performance for user experience, and to flag events within callbacks (such as low memory warnings). Each...

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User Flows Monitoring

User flows allows developers to track key interactions or user flows in their app such as login, account registration, and in app purchase. By default, the SDK will automatically track application load time as a user flow. You can specify additional user flows by adding a few more lines of code to your application.

A user flow failure...

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Automatic Breadcrumbs

Automatic breadcrumbs allow developers to get additional information about the steps users have taken or key events that happen in the apps without requiring additional code changes. Events that trigger these breadcrumbs are stored by our SDK and...

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Opt out

Certain app users might want to opt out of Workspace ONE Intelligence logging and tracking. Workspace ONE Intelligence provides a static opt-out status...

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