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In order to start querying Workspace ONE Access APIs, you need to obtain access token. To do that, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Register API access to obtain Client Secret
  2. Obtain Access Token

Let's look into these steps in detail.

1. Register API access

Before accessing the API you need to have a valid API access token. In order to obtain the access token, you first need to create a service client in Workspace ONE Access.

  • In the Workspace ONE Access admin console, go to Settings -> OAuth 2.0 Management.
  • Click on the Clients menu and click Add Client.
  • Select Service Client Token as the Access type.
  • Enter a client ID, select Admin scope and select appropriate Admin Roles required for accessing the APIs. To be able to execute all APIs, select Super Admin role.
  • Click Save

OAuth2.0 Management Interface

You will get the Shared Secret that you can save to obtain the access token.
Example of client secret - fFjs8tGiloQD5ze4pL42EV6s0mufGrOG

2. Obtain Access Token

Once you have Client Secret, you can generate access token. Access token will then let you query various Workspace ONE Access API endpoints.

HTTP request

POST https://[tenant_url]/SAAS/auth/oauthtoken

Input parameters

Parameter Required Description
tenant_url Yes (URL) Hostname of your tenant
grant_type=client_credentials Yes (Body) Required to receive the access token
application/x-www-form-urlencoded Yes (Header) Format of the encoding
Authorization: Basic Yes (Header) You need to pass the Base64 encoded string of the client_id:Client_secret

For Authorization header, you need to Base64 encode the value of your client_id:client_secret. As an example, let's say:

You have my_client:fFjs8tGiloQD5ze4pL42EV6s0mufGrOG Then Base64 encoded value is bXlfY2xpZW50OmZGanM4dEdpbG9RRDV6ZTRwTDQyRVY2czBtdWZHck9H To generate Base64 encoded values, you can use the following online resource Base 64 Encoding Tool.

Note: The access token will have a time to live value of 3 hours by default. Once the token expires, you will need to get new access token.

To request an access token via shell:

curl –X POST <your tenant name here> \
-H 'authorization: Basic Y3VybDpmRmpzOHRHaWxvUUQ1emU0cEw0MkVWNnMwbXVmR3JPRw==' \
-H 'content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials'

Workspace ONE Access will return the following as a response:

    "access_token":"<your token here>",
    "refresh_token":"<your token here>",

3. Refresh Access Token

The Access Token has limited lifetime. If your Token expires, you should request a new Access Token using the Refresh Token.

HTTP Request

POST https://[tenant location]/SAAS/auth/oauthtoken

Input parameters

The following parameters need to be specified in the of the request, using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format:

Parameter Required Description
grant_type=refresh_token Yes (Body) Required parameter
refresh_token Yes (Body) The Refresh Token sent back by Identity Manager during the first Access Token Request.
scope No (Body) The list of scopes separated by space and URL encoded.
Authorization: Basic [base64Encode(clientId + ":" + secret)] Yes (Header) To create your Basic Credentials, create a string with your app’s Client ID and Client Secret, separated by a colon ( : )
Content_Type Yes (Header) Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

For Authorization header, you need to Base64 encode the value of your client_id:client_secret. As an example, let's say:

  • You have curl:fFjs8tGiloQD5ze4pL42EV6s0mufGrOG
  • Then Base64 encoded value is Y3VybDpmRmpzOHRHaWxvUUQ1emU0cEw0MkVWNnMwbXVmR3JPRw==

To refresh the access token via shell:

curl –X POST <your tenant name here> \
-H 'authorization: Basic <your token here>' \
-H 'content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
-d 'refresh_token=<your token here>'

Workspace ONE Access will return the following in response:

{"access_token":"<your token here>",
"refresh_token":"<your token here>",