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Data Object - AuditEventDetailsRecord

Java Class


Returned by


See also


Data Object Description

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
eventId xsd:int ID of the event in Event Database.
desktopName xsd:string Name of the Desktop associated with this event. This refers to the unique name used to identify the Desktop. Will be unset if there is no Desktop association for this event. 1
desktopDisplayName xsd:string Display name of the Desktop associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no Desktop association for this event. 1
applicationName xsd:string Name of the Application associated with this event. This refers to the unique name used to identify the Application. Will be unset if there is no Application association for this event. 1
applicationDisplayName xsd:string Display name of the Application associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no Application association for this event. 1
machineName xsd:string Name of the Machine associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no Machine association for this event. 1
machineGuid xsd:string Guid of the Machine associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no Machine association for this event. 1
farmName xsd:string Name of the Farm associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no Farm association for this event. 1
farmDisplayName xsd:string Display name of the Farm associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no Farm association for this event. 1
endUserDisplayName xsd:string Display name of the end user associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no End User association for this event. 1
thinappDisplayName xsd:string Display name of the Thinapp associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no Thinapp association for this event. 1
processId xsd:int Id of the remote process associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no process association for this event. 1
processName xsd:string Name of the remote process associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no process association for this event. 1
remoteApplicationDescription xsd:string Description of the remote application associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no application association for this event. 1
remoteApplicationId xsd:string Id of the remote application associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no application association for this event. 1
persistentDiskName xsd:string Name of the Persistent disk associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no Persistent disk association for this event. 1
rdsServerId RDSServerId RDS Server associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no RDS server association for this event. 1

  1. This property need not be set.