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Service - GlobalEntitlement

Java Class


See also

DesktopId, GlobalEntitlementBase, GlobalEntitlementId, GlobalEntitlementInfo, GlobalEntitlementSummaryView, MapEntry


Horizon View 6.0

Service Description

The Global Entitlement service interface.


Methods defined in this Service: GlobalEntitlement_AddDesktopsToGE, GlobalEntitlement_Create, GlobalEntitlement_Delete, GlobalEntitlement_Get, GlobalEntitlement_GetSummaryView, GlobalEntitlement_GetSummaryViews, GlobalEntitlement_ListCompatibleBackupGEs, GlobalEntitlement_RemoveDesktopsFromGE, GlobalEntitlement_Update

Add list of desktops to the Global Entitlement.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_MANAGE Global LDAP management is required to update the globalEntitlementData members of a desktop.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the GlobalEntitlement used to make the method call.
id GlobalEntitlementId unique identifier for Global Entitlement
desktops DesktopId[] Desktops to be added to the Global Entitlement

Return Value

Type Description


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
PartialFailureFault Thrown if all operations were not successful, a PartialFailureFault will be thrown indicating which desktops were successfully added and which ones failed. The index of results in the PartialFailureFault corresponds to the desktop's index in request. The result entry will contain either the original return type (on success) or an exception (on failure).
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.


Event Description
VLSI_DESKTOP_UPDATE_ATTEMPT For every Desktop, if an attempt to update the desktop was made successfully
VLSI_DESKTOP_UPDATED For every Desktop, if a desktop is successfully updated.
VLSI_DESKTOP_UPDATE_FAILED For every Desktop that could not be updated.

Show WSDL type definition

Creates a Global Entitlement. Global entitlements are used to route users to their resources across multiple pods. These are persisted in a global ldap instance that is replicated across all pods in a linked mode view set.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_MANAGE Global LDAP management is required to create a global entitlement.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the GlobalEntitlement used to make the method call.
base GlobalEntitlementBase attributes required to create a Global Entitlement

Return Value

Type Description
GlobalEntitlementId unique identifier for Global Entitlement


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidState Thrown if this pod is not part of a Pod Federation
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.


Event Description
VLSI_GE_ADDED If the global entitlement was successfully created.
VLSI_GE_ADD_FAILED If the global entitlement could not be created.

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Deletes a Global Entitlement.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_MANAGE Global LDAP management is required to delete a global entitlement.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the GlobalEntitlement used to make the method call.
id GlobalEntitlementId unique identifier for Global Entitlement to be deleted

Return Value

Type Description


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidRequest Thrown if Global Entitlement is active and has resources associated with it in any pod.
InvalidState Thrown if the Pod Federation has not been initialized.
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.


Event Description
VLSI_GE_DELETED If the global entitlement was successfully deleted.
VLSI_GE_DELETE_FAILED If the global entitlement could not be deleted.

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Returns Global Entitlement corresponding to a specific Global Entitlement id.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_VIEW Global LDAP read is required to read a global entitlement.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the GlobalEntitlement used to make the method call.
id GlobalEntitlementId unique identifier for Global Entitlement

Return Value

Type Description
GlobalEntitlementInfo Global entitlement info


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidState Thrown if this pod is not part of a Pod Federation
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.

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Returns Global Entitlement summary corresponding to a specific Global Entitlement id.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_VIEW Global LDAP read is required to read a global entitlement.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the GlobalEntitlement used to make the method call.
id GlobalEntitlementId unique identifier for Global Entitlement

Return Value

Type Description
GlobalEntitlementSummaryView Global entitlement summary view


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidState Thrown if this pod is not part of a Pod Federation
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.

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Returns Global Entitlement summaries corresponding to the specific Global Entitlement ids.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_VIEW Global LDAP read is required to read a global entitlements.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the GlobalEntitlement used to make the method call.
ids GlobalEntitlementId[] unique identifiers for Global Entitlements

Return Value

Type Description
GlobalEntitlementSummaryView[] Global entitlement summary views


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidState Thrown if this pod is not part of a Pod Federation
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.

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Lists the Global Entitlements that can be associated as backup Global Entitlement.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_VIEW Global LDAP read is required to read a global entitlement.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the GlobalEntitlement used to make the method call.
id GlobalEntitlementId unique identifier for Global Entitlement

Return Value

Type Description


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.

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Remove the specified desktops from the Global Entitlement.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_MANAGE Global LDAP management is required to update the globalEntitlementData members of a desktop.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the GlobalEntitlement used to make the method call.
id GlobalEntitlementId unique identifier for Global Entitlement
desktops DesktopId[] Desktops to be removed from the Global Entitlement

Return Value

Type Description


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.


Event Description
VLSI_DESKTOP_UPDATE_ATTEMPT For every Desktop, if an attempt to update the desktop was made successfully.
VLSI_DESKTOP_UPDATED For every Desktop, if a desktop is successfully updated.
VLSI_DESKTOP_UPDATE_FAILED For every Desktop that could not be updated.

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Updates Global Entitlement with the set of attributes in the map.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_MANAGE Global LDAP management is required to update a global entitlement.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the GlobalEntitlement used to make the method call.
id GlobalEntitlementId unique identifier for Global Entitlement to be updated
updates MapEntry[] key value pairs describing attributes to be updated 1

Return Value

Type Description


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidRequest Thrown if the update map contains invalid or non-permitted fields
InvalidState Thrown if the Pod Federation has not been initialized.
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.


Event Description
VLSI_GE_CHANGED If the global entitlement was successfully updated.
VLSI_GE_CHANGE_FAILED If the global entitlement could not be updated.

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  1. This parameter is an update map based on GlobalEntitlementInfo