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Data Object - DesktopInstantCloneDesktopProvisioningStatusData

Java Class


Property of


See also

BaseImageSnapshotId, BaseImageVmId, DesktopPushImageSettings, ImageManagementStreamId, ImageManagementTagId


Horizon 7.0

Data Object Description

Read-only operation and provisioning status data for instant clone desktops.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
operation xsd:string The operation that this instant clone desktop is undergoing.
* This property will be one of:
NONEThere is no current operation on the desktop.
INITIAL_PUBLISHThe desktop has just been created and is undergoing initial publishing.
SCHEDULE_PUSH_IMAGEThe push operation is scheduled on the desktop.
CANCEL_SCHEDULED_PUSH_IMAGEThe scheduled push operation on the desktop is being cancelled.
INFRASTRUCTURE_CHANGEA cluster or datastore change operation was requested for the desktop.
FINAL_UNPUBLISHA desktop has been deleted and is undergoing final unpublishing.
instantClonePendingImageState xsd:string This represents the state of the pending image. This will be null when there is no pending image for the desktop. 1
* This property will be one of:
PENDING_PUBLISHThis is the initial transient state of the pending image before instant clone pool creation operation has started.
PUBLISHINGThis is the transient state of the pending image when creation of instant clone pool operation is going on.
READYThis is the state of the pending image after successful publish of the pending image and before that image has been upgraded to the current image. This is normally seen after successful publish for a push image which has been scheduled to trigger at a later time.
FAILEDThis is the state of the pending image if creation of instant clone pool operation has failed or timed out.
UNPUBLISHINGThis is the transient state of the pending image when instant clone pool push image operation fails or is cancelled.
instantCloneCurrentImageState xsd:string This represents the state of the current image. 1
* This property will be one of:
READYThis is the state of the current image after successful completion of pool creation operation. At this stage the current image is ready to be used to create the instant clones. Please note that this state is also reached from {@link InstantCloneCurrentImageStates#UNPUBLISHING} state on successful completion of editing of cluster or editing of datastore(s) operations.
FAILEDThis is the state of the current image if instant clone pool delete operation has failed or timed out.
PENDING_UNPUBLISHThis is the state of the current image before instant clone pool delete or cluster edit or datastore(s) edit operation(s) begins.
UNPUBLISHINGThis is the transient state of the current image when instant clone pool delete or cluster edit or datastore(s) edit operation(s) is going on.
pendingImageParentVm BaseImageVmId Pending base image VM for Instant clone desktops. This is used to return the information about the parent VM of the pending Image. To update base image VM of instant clone desktops use Desktop_SchedulePushImage method. 1 3
pendingImageSnapshot BaseImageSnapshotId Pending base image snapshot for Instant clone desktops. This is used to return the information about the snapshot of the pending Image. To update base image snapshot of instant clone desktops use Desktop_SchedulePushImage method. 1 3
pendingImageParentVmPath xsd:string Pending pendingImageParentVm path. The name is the last element of the path. 1 3
pendingImageSnapshotPath xsd:string Pending pendingImageSnapshot path. The name is the last element of the path. 1 3
pendingImageManagementStream ImageManagementStreamId Pending image management stream for Instant clone desktops. To update image management stream of instant clone desktops use Desktop_SchedulePushImage method. Since Horizon 7.10 1 2
pendingImageManagementTag ImageManagementTagId Pending image management tag for Instant clone desktops. To update image management tag of instant clone desktops use Desktop_SchedulePushImage method. Since Horizon 7.10 1 2
pendingImageManagementStreamName xsd:string Pending pendingImageManagementStream name. Since Horizon 7.10 1 2
pendingImageManagementTagName xsd:string Pending pendingImageManagementTag name. Since Horizon 7.10 1 2
pushImageSettings DesktopPushImageSettings If the current operation is a push image, the settings for that operation. 1 4
pendingImageError xsd:string This represents the error message if publishing of PushImage is failed. Since Horizon 7.8 1
pendingImageProgress xsd:int This represents the pending image publish progress in percentage for an instant clone desktop pool. Since Horizon 7.11 1

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated. 

  3. This property is required if operation is set to 'INITIAL_PUBLISH', 'SCHEDULE_PUSH_IMAGE', 'CANCEL_SCHEDULED_PUSH_IMAGE', or 'INFRASTRUCTURE_CHANGE'. 

  4. This property is required if operation is set to 'SCHEDULE_PUSH_IMAGE'.