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Data Object - FarmSessionSettings

Java Class


Property of



Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Farm session settings

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
disconnectedSessionTimeoutPolicy xsd:string Log-off policy after disconnected session 8
* This property will be one of:
"IMMEDIATE"Logoff immediately after disconnect.
"NEVER"Do not logoff after disconnect.
"AFTER"Logoff the specified number of minutes after disconnect.
disconnectedSessionTimeoutMinutes xsd:int Disconnected sessions timeout (in minutes). An empty disconnected session is logged off after the timeout. 1 3 9
emptySessionTimeoutPolicy xsd:string Application empty session timeout policy. 11
* This property will be one of:
"IMMEDIATE"Empty session is disconnected immediately.
"NEVER"Empty session is never disconnected.
"AFTER"Empty session is disconnected after specified number of minutes.
emptySessionTimeoutMinutes xsd:int Application empty session timeout (in minutes). An empty session (that has no remote-able window) is disconnected after the timeout. 4 1 3 5
logoffAfterTimeout xsd:boolean Indicates whether the empty application sessions are logged off (true) or disconnected (false) after timeout. 2
preLaunchSessionTimeoutPolicy xsd:string Application pre-launch session timeout policy. Since Horizon 7.2 1
* This property will be one of:
"NEVER"Pre-launched session is never disconnected.
"AFTER"Pre-launched session is disconnected after specified number of minutes.
preLaunchSessionTimeoutMinutes xsd:int Application pre-launch session timeout (in minutes). A pre-launch session is disconnected after the timeout. Since Horizon 7.2 1 10 6
sessionTimeoutPolicy xsd:string Specifies the session timeout policy for the applications published from the Farm. This policy indicates whether the launched application session is a forever application session or not. Since Horizon 8.3 7 1
* This property will be one of:
"DEFAULT"Indicates application sessions will be disconnected either on reaching the global idle timeout or on reaching the max session timeout.
"NEVER"Indicates application sessions will not be disconnected either on reaching the global idle timeout or on reaching the max session timeout.

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property has a default value of false. 

  3. This property has a minimum value of 1. 

  4. This property has a default value of 1. 

  5. This property is required if emptySessionTimeoutPolicy is set to 'AFTER'. 

  6. This property is required if preLaunchSessionTimeoutPolicy is set to 'AFTER'. 

  7. This property has a default value of 'DEFAULT'. 

  8. This property has a default value of 'NEVER'. 

  9. This property is required if disconnectedSessionTimeoutPolicy is set to 'AFTER'. 

  10. This property has a minimum value of 10. 

  11. This property has a default value of "AFTER".