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Data Object - UnauthenticatedAccessConfig

Java Class


Property of


See also



Horizon 7.1

Data Object Description

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
enabled xsd:boolean Indicates whether unauthenticated access is enabled in this connection server.
defaultUser UserOrGroupId Default user for unauthenticated access in this connection server. It is optional when the unauthenticated access is being enabled and no unauthenticated access users were created. 1
userIdleTimeout xsd:int Unauthenticated Access user idle session timeout in minutes. The default value is 10 minutes. 3 1
clientPuzzleDifficulty xsd:int Client puzzle difficulty for DoS attack prevention for Unauthenticated Access. Higher difficulty might increase login time and affect user experience. The default value is 21. Since Horizon 7.6 5 1 6 4
blockUnsupportedClients xsd:boolean Block older clients which don't support client puzzles to prevent DOS attack on RDSH servers for Unauthenticated Access. The default value is false. Since Horizon 7.6 2 1

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property has a default value of false. 

  3. This property has a default value of 10. 

  4. This property has a maximum value of 31. 

  5. This property has a default value of 21. 

  6. This property has a minimum value of 14.