Data Object - EntitledUserOrGroupLocallyEntitledData
Java Class
Property of
EntitledUserOrGroupInfo, EntitledUserOrGroupLocalSummaryView
See also
ApplicationId, DesktopId, MachineId, PersistentDiskId, URLRedirectionId, UserEntitlementId
Horizon View 6.0
Data Object Description¶
Data relevant to locally entitled users.
Data Object Properties¶
Name | Type | Description |
machines | MachineId[] | Machines this user or group is assigned to. MachineIds of this type originate from the Machine service. 1 2 |
persistentDisks | PersistentDiskId[] | Deprecated.This property is being deprecated since View Composer will no longer be supported from Horizon version 2012 onwards. View Composer persistent disks this user is assigned to. 1 2 |
desktops | DesktopId[] | Local desktops for which this user has an entitlement. 1 2 |
desktopUserEntitlements | UserEntitlementId[] | Local desktop user entitlements for this user or group. The array index will correspond to the same desktop entitlement as the DesktopId array. 1 |
applications | ApplicationId[] | Local applications for which this user has an entitlement. 1 2 |
applicationUserEntitlements | UserEntitlementId[] | Local application user entitlements for this user or group. The array index will correspond to the same application entitlement as the ApplicationId array. 1 |
urlRedirectionSettings | URLRedirectionId[] | Local URL Redirection settings associated with user or group. Since Horizon 7.0 1 2 |
urlRedirectionUserEntitlements | UserEntitlementId[] | URLRedirection user entitlements for this user or group. The array index will correspond to the same urlRedirection entitlement as the URLRedirectionId array. Since Horizon 7.0 1 2 |