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Data Object - PoliciesSettings

Java Class


Property of


Parameter to



Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Object for specifying a single set of policy overrides. Policies settings objects by themselves may not have meaning outside of the context provided by the complete info objects, as the INHERIT value implies that the actual setting comes from a different settings object. If allowPCoIPHardware acceleration is set to ALLOW, the pcoipHardwareAccelerationPriority must be set.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
allowMultimediaRedirection xsd:string Determines whether MMR (Multimedia Redirection, a Microsoft DirectShow filter) is enabled for client systems. MMR is allowed by default.
* This property will be one of:
AllowThis policy option is set to allow.
DenyThis policy option is set to deny.
InheritThis policy option will be inherited from the parent.
allowUSBAccess xsd:string Determines whether machines can use USB devices connected to the client system. USB access is allowed by default.
* This property will be one of:
AllowThis policy option is set to allow.
DenyThis policy option is set to deny.
InheritThis policy option will be inherited from the parent.
allowRemoteMode xsd:string Determines whether users can connect to and use machines running on vCenter Server instances. If set to deny, machines must be used in local mode.
* This property will be one of:
AllowThis policy option is set to allow.
DenyThis policy option is set to deny.
InheritThis policy option will be inherited from the parent.
allowPCoIPHardwareAcceleration xsd:string Determines whether to enable hardware acceleration of the PCoIP display protocol. Default is to allow acceleration. If this is set, hardware acceleration priority must be set, as well. This setting has an effect only if a PCoIP hardware acceleration device is present on the physical computer that hosts the machine.
* This property will be one of:
AllowThis policy option is set to allow.
DenyThis policy option is set to deny.
InheritThis policy option will be inherited from the parent.
pcoipHardwareAccelerationPriority xsd:string Determines priority for hardware acceleration. Ignored if PCoIP hardware acceleration is not allowed. The default value is medium priority. 1 2
* This property will be one of:
LowestPCOIP Hardware acceleration priority is lowest possible.
LowerPCOIP Hardware acceleration priority is lower.
MediumPCOIP Hardware acceleration priority is medium. Default.
HigherPCOIP Hardware acceleration priority is higher.
HighestPCOIP Hardware acceleration priority is highest.

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property is required if allowPCoIPHardwareAcceleration is set to "Allow".