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Data Object - RADIUSAuthenticatorServerSpec

Java Class


Property of

RADIUSAuthenticatorInfo, RADIUSAuthenticatorSpec

See also



Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Information about a RADIUS authentication server.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
hostname xsd:string The hostname of the RADIUS authentication server.
authenticationPort xsd:int The authentication port of the RADIUS authentication server. 2 4
accountingPort xsd:int The accounting port of the RADIUS authentication server. 3 4
authenticationType xsd:string The authentication type of the RADIUS authentication server.
* This property will be one of:
"PAP"Password authentication protocol
"CHAP"Challenge-handshake authentication protocol
"MSCHAP1"Microsoft challenge-handshake authentication protocol, version 1
"MSCHAP2"Microsoft challenge-handshake authentication protocol, version 2
sharedSecret SecureString The shared secret of the RADIUS authentication server.
serverTimeoutSeconds xsd:int The server timeout (in seconds) of the RADIUS authentication server. 2
maxAttempts xsd:int The maximum number of authentication attempts for the RADIUS authentication server. 2
realmPrefix xsd:string The realm prefix of the RADIUS authentication server. 1
realmSuffix xsd:string The realm suffix of the RADIUS authentication server. 1

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property has a minimum value of 1. 

  3. This property has a minimum value of 0. 

  4. This property has a maximum value of 65535.