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Data Object - DesktopVirtualCenterNamesData

Java Class


Property of



Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Naming data for Virtual Center entities associated with this Desktop.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
templatePath xsd:string Template path to deploy full clone VMs. The name is the last element of the path. 1
parentVmPath xsd:string Base image path for View Composer VMs and current image parent VM path for instant clone desktops. The name is the last element of the path. 1
snapshotPath xsd:string Base image snapshot path for View Composer desktops and current image snapshot path for instant clone desktops. The name is the last element of the path. 1
imageManagementStreamName xsd:string Name of image management stream used in full clone and instant clone desktop when created from image catalog. Since Horizon 7.10 1 2
imageManagementTagName xsd:string Name of image management tag used in full clone and instant clone desktop when created from image catalog. Since Horizon 7.10 1 2
datacenterPath xsd:string Datacenter path within which this desktop is configured. The name is the last element of the path. 1
vmFolderPath xsd:string VM folder path to deploy the VMs to. The name is the last element of the path. 1
hostOrClusterPath xsd:string Host or cluster path to deploy the VMs in. The name is the last element of the path. 1
resourcePoolPath xsd:string Resource pool path to deploy the VMs. The name is the last element of the path. 1
datastorePaths xsd:string[] Paths of the datastores. The names are the last element of the paths. 1
sdrsClusterPath xsd:string Path of the Storage DRS cluster. The name is the last element of the path. Only applicable for full clone desktops. Since Horizon 7.2 1
persistentDiskDatastorePaths xsd:string[] Paths of the persistent disk datastores. The names are the last element of the paths. 1
replicaDiskDatastorePath xsd:string Path of the replica disk datastore. The name is the last element of the path. 1
nicNames xsd:string[] Names of the network interface cards. 1
networkLabelNames xsd:string[] Names of the network labels. 1
customizationSpecName xsd:string The customization spec name. 1

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated.