Data Object - SessionGlobalReferenceData
Java Class
Property of
See also
GlobalAccessGroupId, GlobalApplicationEntitlementId, GlobalEntitlementId, PodId, SessionLocalReferenceData, SiteId, UserOrGroupId
Horizon View 6.0
Data Object Description¶
References to other objects in a global session.
Data Object Properties¶
Name | Type | Description |
user | UserOrGroupId | User for this session. |
brokerUser | UserOrGroupId | User Id for the broker user associated with the session. 1 |
globalEntitlement | GlobalEntitlementId | Global entitlement Id for this session. Either globalEntitlement or globalApplicationEntitlements will be set but not both. 1 |
globalApplicationEntitlement | GlobalApplicationEntitlementId | Deprecated._useglobalApplicationEntitlements instead _ Global application entitlement Id for this session Since Horizon View 6.2 1 |
globalApplicationEntitlements | GlobalApplicationEntitlementId[] | The Global Application Entitlements that have been used to launch applications in this session. Either globalEntitlement or globalApplicationEntitlements will be set but not both. Since Horizon 7.2 1 |
globalAccessGroups | GlobalAccessGroupId[] | Global access group(s) associated with this session. For a global desktop entitlement session, this is the global desktop entitlement's global access group. In case of global application entitlement session, this is global access groups of all the global application entitlements that have been used to launch applications in this session. Since Horizon 8.2 1 |
site | SiteId | Site Id of Pod where session landed. |
brokeringPod | PodId | Pod Id of Pod where session was brokered. 1 |
pod | PodId | Pod Id of Pod where session was established. 1 |
localReferenceData | SessionLocalReferenceData | References to the local pod's object if this global session residing on the local pod. Unset if this session does not reside on the local pod. 1 |