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Data Object - SessionNamesData

Java Class


Property of

SessionGlobalNamesData, SessionLocalSummaryView


Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Names of objects that reside in a session.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
userName xsd:string User for this session. 1
machineOrRDSServerName xsd:string Machine or RDSServer name for this session. 1
machineOrRDSServerDNS xsd:string Machine or RDSServer DNS name for this session. 1
agentVersion xsd:string The agent version. Since Horizon 7.3 1 2
desktopPoolCN xsd:string Desktop Pool cn if this is a Desktop session, unset otherwise.
Note: This will not be set for RDS desktop session when using GlobalSessionQueryService. Since Horizon 7.5 1 2
desktopName xsd:string Desktop display name if this is a Desktop session, unset otherwise.
Note: When using GlobalSessionQueryService, for RDS pool this is set as the farmName. 1
desktopType xsd:string Desktop type if this is a Desktop session, unset otherwise. 1
* This property will be one of:
AUTOMATEDAn automated desktop creates virtual machines cloned from a base template or snapshot.
MANUALA manual machine desktop allows selection of existing virtual machines and addition to the desktop of available machines to connect to.
RDSAn RDS Desktop Desktop.
desktopSource xsd:string Desktop machine source if this is a Desktop session, unset otherwise. 1
* This property will be one of:
VIRTUAL_CENTERVirtual center virtual machines managed as view machines. This option is valid for Automated and Manual Desktop. In case of Automated Desktop, these refer to Full Virtual Machines that are created from a vCenter Server template.
VIEW_COMPOSERView composer linked clones managed as view machines. They share the same base image and use less storage space than full virtual machines. The user profile for linked clones can be redirected to persistent disks that will be unaffected by OS updates and refreshes. This option is only valid for Automated Desktop.
INSTANT_CLONE_ENGINEInstant clone engine created 'instant clones' managed as view machines. Instant clone engine uses vmfork technology to create the instant clones, these clones take very less time for provisioning. Instant clones have many similarities to linked clones like :- 3 4 This option is only valid for Automated Desktop.
UNMANAGEDNon-vCenter Server virtual machines managed as view machines. These can include physical computers, non-vCenter Server virtual machines, and blade PCs. This option is only valid for Manual Desktops.
RDSThis option is only valid for RDS Desktops.
farmName xsd:string Farm display name for this RDS Desktop or Application session, unset otherwise. 1
clientLocationID xsd:string Client Location for this session. 1
clientType xsd:string Client type for this session. Since Horizon 7.7 1 2
* This property will be one of:
WindowsWINDOWS: client type is Windows client
MacMAC: client type is Mac client
htmlaccessHTMLACCESS: client type is web client
LinuxLINUX: Client type is Linux client
iOSIOS: Client type is iOS client
AndroidANDROID: Client type is Android client
OtherOTHER: Client type is other
clientAddress xsd:string IP address of the client machine for this session. Since Horizon 7.2 1
clientName xsd:string Client machine name for this session. Since Horizon 7.2 1
clientVersion xsd:string Client version for this session. Since Horizon 7.3 1
securityGatewayDNS xsd:string Computer machine name or DNS name of the security gateway. 1
securityGatewayAddress xsd:string IP address of the security gateway. Since Horizon 7.3 1
securityGatewayLocation xsd:string Location of the security gateway. Since Horizon 7.7 1 2
* This property will be one of:
ExternalEXTERNAL: Gateway location is external
InternalINTERNAL: Gateway location is internal
UnknownUNKNOWN: Gateway location is unknown
applicationNames xsd:string[] Names of the Applications launched in this session. This will be only set when sessionType is set to APPLICATION. Since Horizon 7.11 1 2

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated. 

  3. Both instant and linked clones share the same base image and use less storage space than full virtual machines. 

  4. The user profile for both types clones can be redirected to persistent disks that will be unaffected by OS updates and refreshes.