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Data Object - LogLevelInfo

Java Class


Returned by

LogCollector_GetLogLevels, LogCollector_SetLogLevels

See also

FeatureLogLevelInfo, LogCollectorComponentIdentifier


Horizon 8.4

Data Object Description

Log level information for a component.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
logCollectorComponentId LogCollectorComponentIdentifier Represents a log component ID
featurewiseLogLevelsList FeatureLogLevelInfo[] List of log level info where each object in the list represents the log levels for a feature. 2
lastModifiedTime xsd:long The duration in seconds since the last log level modification. 3 1 4

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property is an unordered array of unique values. 

  3. This property has a default value of 0. 

  4. This property has a minimum value of 0.