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Service - Role

Java Class


See also

MapEntry, RoleBase, RoleId, RoleInfo


Horizon View 6.0

Service Description

Information about a role. This represents a name and description tied to a set of admin privileges. Privileges represents certain actions allowed by an admin on various resources. Roles may either be system defined (builtin) or admin created (custom). Different sets of privileges may be defined depending on the role type. Only custom roles may be edited.


Methods defined in this Service: Role_Create, Role_Delete, Role_Get, Role_List, Role_Update

Add a new custom role.


Privilege Description
GLOBAL_ROLE_MANAGEMENT Role management privilege is required to create a role.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the Role used to make the method call.
base RoleBase attributes needed to add a role

Return Value

Type Description
RoleId unique identifier


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.


Event Description
ADMIN_ROLE_ADDED Sent when a role is successfully created.
ADMIN_ROLE_ADD_FAILED Sent when a role fails to be created.

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Delete a given role and all permissions associated with it. This is only allowed for custom roles. Attempting to delete a builtin role will result in an InvalidRequest exception.


Privilege Description
GLOBAL_ROLE_MANAGEMENT Role management privilege is necessary to delete a role.
GLOBAL_PERMISSION_VIEW Permission read access privilege is necessary to delete a role.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the Role used to make the method call.
id RoleId RoleId of entity to delete.

Return Value

Type Description


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.


Event Description
ADMIN_ROLE_REMOVED Sent when a role is successfully deleted.
ADMIN_ROLE_REMOVE_FAILED Sent when a role fails to be deleted.

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Get an role by Id.


Privilege Description
GLOBAL_ROLE_VIEW Role read access privilege is required to read a role.
GLOBAL_PERMISSION_VIEW Permission read access privilege is required to include any permission information in a role.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the Role used to make the method call.
id RoleId RoleId of entity to get.

Return Value

Type Description
RoleInfo requested role entity.


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.

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Lists all the roles.


Privilege Description
GLOBAL_ROLE_VIEW Role read access privilege is required to read all role.
GLOBAL_PERMISSION_VIEW Permission read access privilege is required to include any permission information in any roles.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the Role used to make the method call.

Return Value

Type Description
RoleInfo[] The list of roles.


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.

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Update given role with the set of attributes in the map. This is only allowed on custom roles. Attempting to update a builtin role will result in an InvalidRequest exception. Note that certain privileges expand into selectable child privileges upon creation. These child privileges must be removed as well if the parent is removed in an update.


Privilege Description
GLOBAL_ROLE_MANAGEMENT Role management privilege is required to update a role.


Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the Role used to make the method call.
id RoleId RoleId of entity to update.
updates MapEntry[] key value pairs describing attributes to be updated 1

Return Value

Type Description


Type Description
EntityNotFound Thrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermission Thrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgument Thrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidType Thrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFault Thrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.


Event Description
ADMIN_ROLE_PRIV_UPDATED Sent when a role is successfully updated.
ADMIN_ROLE_PRIV_UPDATE_FAILED Sent when a role fails to be updated.

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  1. This parameter is an update map based on RoleInfo