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Data Object - CertificateSSOConnectorHealthEnrollmentServerTemplateHealthData

Java Class

Property of



Horizon 7.0

Data Object Description

The health data for a CertSSO template.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
name xsd:string The name of the template.
state xsd:string The state of the template health, taken as the most severe reported by one of the enrollment servers.
* This property will be one of:
"OK"Template is green.
"WARN"Template is yellow.
"ERROR"Template is red.
primaryEnrollmentServerStateReasons xsd:string[] Reasons for the state from the primary enrollment server, if any. 1
* This property will be one of:
"SUPPORTED_NOT_OPTIMAL"Warn: This template does not have the ideal properties for CertSSO.
"NO_CAPABILITY"Error: This template does not have CertSSO capability.
"ENABLED_BUT_UNUSABLE"Error: This template is smartcard logon enabled, but cannot be used (INVALID, MANUAL, or UNSUITABLE).
"NOT_FOUND"Error: This template does not exist on the enrollment server domain.
secondaryEnrollmentServerStateReasons xsd:string[] Reasons for the state from the secondary enrollment server, if any. 1
* This property will be one of:
"SUPPORTED_NOT_OPTIMAL"Warn: This template does not have the ideal properties for CertSSO.
"NO_CAPABILITY"Error: This template does not have CertSSO capability.
"ENABLED_BUT_UNUSABLE"Error: This template is smartcard logon enabled, but cannot be used (INVALID, MANUAL, or UNSUITABLE).
"NOT_FOUND"Error: This template does not exist on the enrollment server domain.

  1. This property need not be set.