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Data Object - PcoipGeneralStatistics

Java Class


Property of



Horizon 7.2

Data Object Description

The general statistics about PCoIP session.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
durationSeconds xsd:long Total number of seconds that the PCoIP session has been open. 1 2
bytesReceived xsd:long Total number of bytes of PCoIP data that have been received since the PCoIP session started. 1 2
bytesSent xsd:long Total number of bytes of PCoIP data that have been transmitted since the PCoIP session started. 1 2
packetsReceived xsd:long Total number of packets that have been received successfully since the PCoIP session started. Not all packets are the same size. 1 2
packetsSent xsd:long Total number of packets that have been transmitted since the PCoIP session started. Not all packets are the same size. 1 2
rxPacketsLost xsd:long Total number of received packets that have been lost since the PCoIP session started. 1 2
txPacketsLost xsd:long Total number of transmitted packets that have been lost since the PCoIP session started. 1 2

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated.