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Data Object - PcoipImagingStatistics

Java Class


Property of



Horizon 7.2

Data Object Description

The imaging statistics about PCoIP session.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
bytesReceived xsd:long Total number of bytes of imaging data that have been received since the PCoIP session started. 1 2
bytesSent xsd:long Total number of bytes of imaging data that have been transmitted since the PCoIP session started. 1 2
rxBandwidth xsd:long Bandwidth for incoming imaging packets averaged over the sampling period. The unit is kbit/sec. 1 2
txBandwidth xsd:long Bandwidth for outgoing imaging packets averaged over the sampling period. The unit is kbit/sec. 1 2
encodedFrames xsd:long Number of imaging frames that were encoded over a one-second sampling period. 1 2
activeMinimumQuality xsd:long Lowest encoded quality value on a scale from 0 to 100. This statistic is updated once per second. This counter does not correspond to the GPO setting for minimum quality. 1 2
decoderCapability xsd:long Estimated processing capability of the imaging decoder in kilobits per second. This statistic is updated once per second. 1 2
megapixel xsd:long Number of megapixel that were rendered over a one-second sampling period. 1 2
svgaDevTapFrames xsd:long Number of frames that were processed in SVGA devtap over one-second sampling. 1 2
negativeAcknowledgements xsd:long Number of negative acknowledgements for incoming packets; 1 2
apex2800Offload xsd:long The number of times Apex2800 offloading is utilized over a one-second sampling period. 1 2

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated.