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Data Object - TimingProfilerView

Java Class


See also

SessionId, UserOrGroupId


Horizon 8.2

Data Object Description

The TimingProfilerView Object.

Queryable Data Object

This data object is queryable using QueryService.

Query definitions can specify the following member types:

The following caveats apply: * This will consider the Timing Profiler events from Timing_Profiler table. * The first filter may be any of the above or an QueryFilterAnd or QueryFilterOr filter specifying any combination of the above. * If sortBy is not specified, resulting events will be sorted by time. * maxPageSize cannot exceed 1000.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
eventId xsd:int ID of the Timing Profiler event in Event Database.
time xsd:dateTime Time at which the event occurred, measured from the epoch (January 1, 1970).
userId UserOrGroupId User involved in this event. Will be unset if there is no user association for this event. 1
eventType xsd:string Type of the Timing Profiler event. For example: TIMING_PROFILER_DESKTOP_RECONNECT, TIMING_PROFILER_GET_LAUNCH_ITEMS etc.
sessionId SessionId Session associated with this event. Will be unset if there is no Session association for this event. 1
logonTiming xsd:string Logon timing profiler tree. Will be unset if there is no timing profiler tree association for this event. 1
properties xsd:string Json containing various attributes associated with this timing profiler event. 1

  1. This property need not be set.