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Data Object - ADDomainAdvancedSettings

Java Class


Property of

ADDomainInfo, ADDomainSpec


Horizon 8.1

Data Object Description

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
port xsd:int Port of the server to connect to. 3 5
adDomainContext xsd:string Active directory domain Context. e.g: dc=abc,dc=com.
adDomainAutoDiscovery xsd:boolean Auto discovers domain controllers . Auto discovery, AD domain controllers and preferred site name are mutually exclusive. Only one of them can be defined at a time. 2
adDomainControllers xsd:string[] One or more AD domain controllers. Auto discovery, AD domain controllers and preferred site name are mutually exclusive. Only one of them can be defined at a time. 1 4
adDomainPreferredSite xsd:string ADDomain preferred domain site. Auto discovery, AD domain controllers and preferred site name are mutually exclusive. Only one of them can be defined at a time. 1

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property has a default value of true. 

  3. This property has a minimum value of 0. 

  4. This property must be a valid IP address or DNS name. 

  5. This property has a maximum value of 65535.