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Data Object - ConnectionServerHealthConnectionData

Java Class

Property of



Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Data on the number of connections to the connection server.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
numConnections xsd:int The number of connections to this connection server.
numConnectionsHigh xsd:int The high water mark of connections to this connection server.
numViewComposerConnections xsd:int Deprecated.This property is being deprecated since View Composer will no longer be supported from Horizon version 2012 onwards. The number of View Composer machine connections brokered by this connection server.
numViewComposerConnectionsHigh xsd:int Deprecated.This property is being deprecated since View Composer will no longer be supported from Horizon version 2012 onwards. The high water mark of View Composer machine connections brokered by this connection server.
numTunneledSessions xsd:int The number of connections tunneled through this connection server.
numPSGSessions xsd:int The number of PCoIP Secure Gateway sessions. 1
numBSGSessions xsd:int The number of Blast Secure Gateway sessions. Since Horizon 7.12 1
numRDPGatewayedSessions xsd:int The number of Secure Gateway sessions with the RDP. Since Horizon 7.12 1
sessionThreshold xsd:int The maximum load of connections allowed for the connection server through the horizon client. This value represents one of the following. 3 4
Since Horizon 7.10 1
unrecognizedPcoipRequestsCount xsd:int The number of unrecognized PCoIP Secure Gateway requests. Since Horizon 8.7 1 2
unrecognizedBlastRequestsCount xsd:int The number of unrecognized Blast Secure Gateway requests. Since Horizon 8.7 1 2
unrecognizedTunnelRequestsCount xsd:int The number of unrecognized tunnel requests. Since Horizon 8.7 1 2
unrecognizedXMLApiRequestsCount xsd:int The number of unrecognized XML API requests. Since Horizon 8.7 1 2

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated. 

  3. When all of the secure gateways (HTTP(S)/PCOIP/BLAST) are enabled, this field denotes the maximum load of connections allowed for the connection server. Once the number of connections to this connection server reaches this value, the subsequent connections from the horizon client will be blocked by secure gateway. 

  4. When none of the secure gateways(HTTP(S)/PCOIP/BLAST) are enabled, sessionThreshold value will not be set.