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Data Object - HistoricalPerformanceData

Java Class


Property of


Returned by



Horizon 7.2

Data Object Description

The historical performance data for overall machine.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
timestamp xsd:long The timestamp for data collection time Since Horizon 7.8 1 2
overallCpu xsd:double The overall cpu utilization. 1 2
overallMemory xsd:double The overall memory utilization. 1 2
cpu xsd:double The cpu utilization. 1 2
memory xsd:double The memory utilization. 1 2
latency xsd:long The PCoIP/Blast protocol round trip latency. 1 2
diskIops xsd:long The disk average IOPS Since Horizon 7.4 1 2
diskReadIops xsd:long The disk read IO requests completed over a period of one second Since Horizon 7.5 1 2
diskWriteIops xsd:long The disk write IO requests completed over a period of one second Since Horizon 7.5 1 2
diskLatency xsd:long The disk average latency (ms) Since Horizon 7.4 1 2

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated.