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Data Object - CertificateSSOTemplateData

Java Class


Property of



Horizon 7.0

Data Object Description

Certificate template data.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
name xsd:string Unique name for this template.
minimumKeyLength xsd:int Minimum key-length of the private/public key associated with the certificate. 1
hashAlgorithm xsd:string Hash algorithm used in the certificate signing request. 1
validitySeconds xsd:long Length of time, in seconds, that certificates issues with this template remain valid. 1
status xsd:string The status of this template.
* This property will be one of:
"SUPPORTED_OPTIMAL"This template has the optimal properties for CertSSO.
"SUPPORTED_NOT_OPTIMAL"This template does not have the ideal properties for CertSSO.
"UNKNOWN"This status of this template is unknown. A template with this status cannot be used in connector creation.
"NO_CAPABILITY"This template is not configured to perform CertSSO. A template with this status cannot be used in connector creation.
"INVALID"This template is smartcard logon enabled, but some setting is invalid. A template with this status cannot be used in connector creation.
"MANUAL"This template is smartcard logon enabled, but manual enrollment is needed. A template with this status cannot be used in connector creation.
"UNSUITABLE"This template is smartcard logon enabled, but is unsuitable. A template with this status cannot be used in connector creation.
statusReason xsd:string Additional non-localized explanation of the status. 1

  1. This property need not be set.