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Data Object - LogCollectorTaskInfo

Java Class


Returned by

LogCollector_Collect, LogCollector_GetTaskInfo, LogCollector_GetTaskInfoById, LogCollector_List, LogCollector_Purge

See also

LogCollectorComponentIdentifier, LogCollectorTaskId, UserOrGroupId


Horizon 7.10

Data Object Description

Task information for a log collector component.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
logCollectorComponentId LogCollectorComponentIdentifier Log component identifier. 1
id LogCollectorTaskId Unique identifier of a log collector task. 1
startTime xsd:dateTime Start time of the log collection. 1
endTime xsd:dateTime End time of the log collection. 1
initiatedBy UserOrGroupId User identity information.
logCollectorTaskState xsd:string Log collector task state.
* This property will be one of:
"IDLE"Log Collection task is in IDLE state.
"COLLECT"Log Collection task has started collecting logs bundle.
"COLLECT_COMPLETE"Log collection task has completed collection of logs bundle.
"PURGE_COMPLETE"Log collection task has completed purge operation.
"PURGE"Log collection task is in purge operation.
"COLLECT_TIMED_OUT"Log collection task has timed out and the process has been interrupted.
"ERROR"Log collection task has ended in error.
"NON_RESPONSIVE"In rare occasions, the log collection process becomes non-responsive. A connection server restart is required to remediate it.

  1. This property need not be set.