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Data Object - QueryDefinition

Java Class


Parameter to

QueryService_Create, QueryService_GetCount, QueryService_Query

See also



Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Simple, general purpose query definition. (More complex, hard-coded queries may be offered for specific entities by their respective interfaces.) Not all entities are queryable. 2

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
queryEntityType xsd:string Name of the type of object to be returned. The exact list of queryable data objects is defined here: Queryable Data Objects
filter QueryFilter Any filter criteria for this query. 1
sortBy xsd:string Member names to sort by, if any. This attribute must be able to be filtered upon and be one of these types:
EntityId 1
sortDescending xsd:boolean Sort order: false (ascending) by default. 1
startingOffset xsd:int 0-based starting offset for returned results, defaults to 0. 1
limit xsd:int Maximum count of items this query should produce, defaults to all. 1
maxPageSize xsd:int Maximum page size to return (the server may use a smaller size). 1

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This data object must be updated as a whole.