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Data Object - ImageManagementStreamBase

Java Class


Property of


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See also



Horizon 7.10

Data Object Description

Basic data about an Image Management Stream.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
name xsd:string The stream name is the unique name used to identify this stream. 7
description xsd:string The description is a set of notes about the stream. 1 3
operatingSystem xsd:string The guest operating system.
* This property will be one of:
Windows XPWindows XP
Windows VistaWindows Vista
Windows 7Windows 7
Windows 8Windows 8
Windows 10Windows 10
Windows 11Windows 11
Windows Server 2003Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2008Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008R2Windows Server 2008R2
Windows Server 2012Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012R2Windows Server 2012R2
Windows Server 10null
Windows Server 2016null
Windows Server 2016 or aboveWindows Server 2016 or above
Linux (other)Linux (other)
Linux Server (other)Linux server (other)
Linux (Ubuntu)Linux (Ubuntu)
Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)Linux (Red Hat Enterprise)
Linux (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server)Linux (Suse)
Linux (CentOS)Linux (CentOS)
status xsd:string Image management stream status.
* This property will be one of:
AVAILABLEImage management stream is available for pools/farms to be created.
DELETEDImage management stream is deleted.
DISABLEDImage management stream is disabled and no further pools/farms can be created using the same.
FAILEDImage management stream creation has failed.
IN_PROGRESSImage management stream creation is in progress.
PARTIALLY_AVAILABLEImage management version could not be created in one or more environments.
PENDINGImage management stream is in pending state to be created by a task.
source xsd:string Source of image management stream.
* This property will be one of:
MARKET_PLACEImage management stream is from market place.
UPLOADEDImage management stream is uploaded.
COPIED_FROM_STREAMImage management stream is copied from another stream.
COPIED_FROM_VERSIONImage management stream is copied from a version.
publisher xsd:string Image management stream publisher. 1
additionalDetails MapEntry[] Additional details about image management stream. 1
tagAvailable xsd:boolean This will be set to true when: 4 5 6.
For a specific VirtualCenterId, image management tag information will be retrieved 1 2

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated. 

  3. This property has a maximum length of 1024 characters. 

  4. Image management stream is in AVAILABLE or PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE state. 

  5. There is at least one image management version in AVAILABLE or PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE state for this stream. 

  6. There is at least one image management tag associated with the image management version. 

  7. This property must contain only alphanumerics, underscores and dashes. The maximum length is 64 characters.