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Data Object - DatastoreRequirementSpec

Java Class


Parameter to


See also

BaseImageSnapshotId, BaseImageVmId, DesktopId, FarmId, VmTemplateId


Horizon 7.6

Data Object Description

Datastore requirements specification.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
desktopId DesktopId Desktop Id to be supplied when editing a Desktop Pool. 1
farmId FarmId Farm Id to be supplied when editing a Farm. 1
isFarm xsd:boolean Set to true when creating/editing a Farm. 2
source xsd:string The Source or the Provisioning Type of machines.
Note: The value FULL_CLONE is not allowed in case of farms.
* This property will be one of:
"VIEW_COMPOSER"View composer linked clones managed as view machines.
"INSTANT_CLONE_ENGINE"Instant clone engine created 'instant clones' managed as view machines.
"FULL_CLONE"Full Virtual Machines that are created from a vCenter Server template.
vmId BaseImageVmId Parent VM Id.
Applicable in case of Linked Clones and Instant Clones. 1 3
snapshotId BaseImageSnapshotId VM Snapshot Id.
Applicable in case of Linked Clones and Instant Clones. 1 3
vmTemplateId VmTemplateId VM Template Id.
Applicable in case of Full Clones. 1 4
poolSize xsd:int The desired size of the Pool/Farm.
isPersistent xsd:boolean User assignment of the pool: Dedicated (Persistent) / Floating.
Ignored in case of Farm. 2
userDiskSize xsd:double Size of Persistent Disk (in MB). 5 6 1 7
useVsan xsd:boolean When Vmware Virtual SAN is used.
Set to true when Virtual SAN is configured and in use for the pool. 2
useSeparateReplicaAndOSDisk xsd:boolean Set to true when separate datastores for replica and OS disks are used. 8 2
useSeparatePersistentAndOSDisk xsd:boolean When the Separate datastores for persistent and OS disks are used. 9 10 2
useSeparateReplicaAndOSDisk xsd:boolean Set to true when separate datastores for replica and OS disks are used. 8 2
useSeparatePersistentAndOSDisk xsd:boolean When the Separate datastores for persistent and OS disks are used. 9 10 2

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property has a default value of false. 

  3. This property is required if source is set to "VIEW_COMPOSER" or "INSTANT_CLONE_ENGINE". 

  4. This property is required if source is set to "FULL_CLONE". 

  5. This value will be considered only in case of Dedicated Linked Pool. 

  6. It will be ignored for other Pools and Farms. 

  7. This property is required if isPersistent is set to true. 

  8. Applicable only in case of Linked Clones and Instant Clones. 

  9. Set to true only in case of DEDICATED LINKED_CLONE Pool. 

  10. It will be ignored in case of Farms and other Pools.