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Data Object - EventDatabaseHealthData

Java Class

Property of



Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

The health of a configured database connection.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
serverName xsd:string The name of the database server.
port xsd:int The port of the database server
databaseType xsd:string The type of the database.
* This property will be one of:
"ORACLE"An Oracle database.
"SQLSERVER"A SQL server database.
"POSTGRESQL"A PostgreSQL database.
"UNDEFINED"An undefined database type.
userName xsd:string The username used to connect to the database
databaseName xsd:string The name of the database.
tablePrefix xsd:string The prefix of tables within the database.
state xsd:string The state of the database connection.
* This property will be one of:
"CONNECTED"The connection is connected to the database.
"CONNECTING"The connection is connecting to the database.
"DISCONNECTED"The connection is disconnected from the database.
"RECONNECTING"The connection is reconnecting to the database.
"ERROR"There is an error with the database connection.
error xsd:string Any error with the database connection. 1

  1. This property need not be set.