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Data Object - UnauthenticatedAccessUserData

Java Class


Property of


Parameter to

UnauthenticatedAccessUser_Create, UnauthenticatedAccessUser_Update

See also

SecureString, UserOrGroupId


Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Unauthenticated Access User Data Object.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
loginName xsd:string Login name which is used for login from client. If the value is null then loginName of the AD user would be used. 1
userId UserOrGroupId AD user id to associate with Unauthenticated Access. 2
description xsd:string Description of the Unauthenticated Access log on user. 1
hybridLogonConfig xsd:string Hybrid logon config value. If the value is null then hybrid logon is disabled Since Horizon 7.7 1
* This property will be one of:
passwordPASSWORD: Authentication via user name and password
truessoTRUESSO: Authentication via TrueSSO
unknownUNKNOWN: Authentication method is unknown
hybridLogonPassword SecureString User's domain password in encrypted format. This is used if we setup Hybrid logon to use username & password. This is null when Hybrid logon is disabled or used in modes other than password Since Horizon 7.7 1 3

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated. 

  3. This property is required if hybridLogonConfig is set to "password".