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Data Object - GlobalEntitlementBase

Java Class


Property of

GlobalEntitlementInfo, GlobalEntitlementSummaryView

Parameter to


See also

GlobalAccessGroupId, GlobalEntitlementId


Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Parameters to create a Global Entitlement.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
displayName xsd:string The display name is the unique name used to identify the Global Entitlement. 9
aliasName xsd:string The alias name is the name that users will see when they connect using Horizon View Client. If the alias name is left blank, while creating or updating the Global Entitlement alias name value will be same as display name. Since Horizon 8.0 1 9
description xsd:string Description of Global Entitlement. 1 5
scope xsd:string Scope for this global entitlement. Visibility and Placement policies are defined by this value. 10 1
* This property will be one of:
"LOCAL"Local Policy: Local pod will be used for this policy. If this policy is for visibility, search for existing session will happen only in local pod. If this policy is for placement, session will always be placed on local pod.
"SITE"Site Policy: Site will be used for this policy. If this policy is for visibility, search for existing session will happen only from site. If this policy is for placement, session will be placed on site.
"ANY"Any Policy: Any pod can be used for this action. If this policy is for visibility, search for existing session will span all pods in LMV set. If this policy is for placement, session can be placed on any pod in LMV set.
sessionDistributionPolicy xsd:string Session distribution policy for this global entitlement Since Horizon 8.10 11 1
* This property will be one of:
"NONE"Default load distribution to find the nearest resource based on home-site and connecting pod/site. If not found, find from any random pod.
"SESSION"Session count based load distribution.
"LOAD"Load index based load distribution.
dedicated xsd:boolean If this is a dedicated entitlement. If so, only dedicated desktops can be associated with this Global Entitlement. Otherwise, only floating desktops, can be associated with it. Can only be set at time of creation. 2
fromHome xsd:boolean This value defines the starting location for resource placement and search. When true, a pod in the user's home site is used to start the search. When false, the current site is used.
requireHomeSite xsd:boolean This value determines whether we fail if a home site isn't defined for this Global Entitlement.
multipleSessionAutoClean xsd:boolean This value is used to determine if automatic session clean up is enabled. This cannot be enabled when this Global Entitlement is associated with a Desktop that has dedicated user assignment.
enabled xsd:boolean If this Global Entitlement is enabled.
supportedDisplayProtocols xsd:string[] The set of supported display protocols for the Global Entitlement. All the desktops associated with this Global Entitlement must support these protocols supportedDisplayProtocols . Clients connecting through this Global Entitlement that are allowed to select their protocol will see these display protocol options. 7 1 6 2
* This property will be one of:
"RDP"Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol.
"PCOIP"PC over IP.
"ULTRA"Pcoip ULTRA, supported only when it is enabled for the desktop pool/global entitlement.
defaultDisplayProtocol xsd:string The default display protocol for the Global Entitlement. Must be a protocol in the supportedDisplayProtocols list. Clients connecting through this Global Entitlement that do not specify a protocol will use this value, not the value specified directly on the desktop to which they connect (if different). 8 1
* This property will be one of:
"RDP"Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol.
"PCOIP"PC over IP.
"ULTRA"Pcoip ULTRA, supported only when it is enabled for the desktop pool/global entitlement.
allowUsersToChooseProtocol xsd:boolean Whether the users can choose the protocol used. If set to true, the desktops that are associated with this GlobalEntitlement must also allow users to choose display protocol with allowUsersToChooseProtocol. 4 1 2
allowUsersToResetMachines xsd:boolean Whether users are allowed to reset/restart their machines. If set to true, the desktops that are associated with this GlobalEntitlement must also allow users to reset/restart machines with allowUsersToResetMachines. 3 1 2
enableHTMLAccess xsd:boolean Deprecated.This property is no longer in use for Horizon Components. It is always set to true. HTML Access, enabled by VMware Blast technology, allows users to connect to View machines from Web browsers. View Client software does not have to be installed on the client devices. To enable HTML Access, you must install the HTML Machine Access feature pack. If set to true, the desktops that are associated with this GlobalEntitlement must also have HTML Access enabled with enableHTMLAccess. Also, Blast must be configured as a supported protocol in supportedDisplayProtocols. Since Horizon View 6.2 4 1
allowMultipleSessionsPerUser xsd:boolean Whether users can have multiple sessions when accessed from different client devices, this is also called Class room mode and applicable only to floating user assignment. If value is set to true, the desktops that are associated with this GlobalEntitlement must also allow users to have multiple sessions with allowMultipleSessionsPerUser Since Horizon 7.1 3 1
connectionServerRestrictions xsd:string[] Connection server restrictions. This is a list of tags that access to the entitlement is restricted to. No list means that the entitlement can be accessed from any connection server. Since Horizon 7.1 1
categoryFolderName xsd:string Name of the category folder in the user's OS containing a shortcut to the entitlement. Unset if the entitlement does not belong to a category. Since Horizon 7.3 1 12
clientRestrictions xsd:boolean Client restrictions to be applied to Global Entitlement. Currently it is valid for RDSH pools. Since Horizon 7.3 3 1
enableCollaboration xsd:boolean Enable session collaboration feature. Session collaboration allows a user to share their remote session with other users. Blast must be configured as a supported protocol in supportedDisplayProtocols. If set to true, the desktops that are associated with this GlobalEntitlement must also have session collaboration enabled with enableCollaboration. Since Horizon 7.4 3 1
shortcutLocations xsd:string[] Locations of the category folder in the user's OS containing a shortcut to the desktop. The value must be set if categoryFolderName is provided. Since Horizon 7.5 1
cloudManaged xsd:boolean Indicates whether this global entitlement is managed from cloud. Since Horizon 7.9 1
backupGE GlobalEntitlementId Indicates the Global Entitlement that can be used as backup for this Global Entitlement. Since Horizon 7.11 1
displayAssignedMachineName xsd:boolean Indicates whether users should see the hostname of the machine assigned to them instead of displayName when they connect using View Client. This is applicable for dedicated Global Entitlements only. If no machine is assigned to the user then "displayName (No machine assigned)" will be displayed in the client. Since Horizon 7.12 3 1
displayMachineAlias xsd:boolean Indicates whether users should see the machine alias of the machine assigned to them instead of displayName when they connect using View Client. This is applicable for dedicated Global Entitlements only. If no machine is assigned to the user then "displayName (No machine assigned)" will be displayed in the client. If both displayAssignedMachineName and this property is set to true, machine alias of the assigned machine is displayed if the user has machine alias set. Otherwise hostname will be displayed. Since Horizon 7.13 3 1
globalAccessGroupId GlobalAccessGroupId Global access groups can organize the global desktop entitlements in your organization. They can also be used for delegated administration. Since Horizon 8.2 1
allowUsersToChooseMachine xsd:boolean Whether Horizon client user can specify or rds server for session launch. Supported for floating user assignments only. Since Horizon 8.12 3 1
enablePcoipUltraProtocol xsd:boolean Enable Pcoip ULTRA protocol. If enabled, Pcoip ULTRA can be used as display protocol for VDI sessions Since Horizon 8.13 3 1

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated. 

  3. This property has a default value of false. 

  4. This property has a default value of true. 

  5. This property has a maximum length of 1024 characters. 

  6. This property is an unordered array of unique values. 

  7. This property has a default value of ['PCOIP', 'RDP', 'BLAST']. 

  8. This property has a default value of 'PCOIP'. 

  9. This property has a maximum length of 64 characters. 

  10. This property has a default value of 'ANY'. 

  11. This property has a default value of 'NONE'. 

  12. This property defines valid folder names with a max length of 64 characters and up to 4 subdirectory levels. The subdirectories can be specified using a backslash, e.g. (dir1\dir2\dir3\dir4). Folder names can't start or end with a backslash nor can there be 2 or more backslashes together. Combinations such as (\dir1, dir1\dir2\, dir1\\dir2, dir1\\\dir2) are invalid. The windows reserved keywords (CON, PRN, NUL, AUX, COM1 - COM9, LPT1 - LPT9 etc.) are not allowed in subdirectory names.