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Data Object - DesktopCloneprepCustomizationSettings

Java Class


Property of


See also



Horizon 7.0

Data Object Description

Settings for ClonePrep customization. This setting is only applicable to instant clone desktops.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
instantCloneEngineDomainAdministrator InstantCloneEngineDomainAdministratorId Deprecated.use #CustomizationSettings.instantCloneEngineDomainAdministrator instead. Instant Clone Engine domain administrator. This is the administrator which will add the machines to its domain upon creation. 1
powerOffScriptName xsd:string Deprecated._since Horizon 2309. UsepowerOffScriptName _ Power off script. ClonePrep can run a customization script on instant-clone machines before they are powered off. Provide the path to the script on the parent virtual machine. 1
powerOffScriptParameters xsd:string Deprecated._since Horizon 2309. UsepowerOffScriptParameters _ Power off script parameters. Example: p1 p2 p3 1
postSynchronizationScriptName xsd:string Deprecated._since Horizon 2309. UsepostSynchronizationScriptName _ Post synchronization script. ClonePrep can run a customization script on instant-clone machines after they are created or recovered or a new image is pushed. Provide the path to the script on the parent virtual machine. 1
postSynchronizationScriptParameters xsd:string Deprecated._since Horizon 2309. UsepostSynchronizationScriptParameters _ Post synchronization script parameters. Example: p1 p2 p3 1
primingComputerAccount xsd:string Instant Clone publishing needs an additional computer account in the same AD domain as the clones. This field accepts the pre-created computer accounts. This field is ignored when reusePreExistingAccounts is false. Since Horizon 7.8 1

  1. This property need not be set.