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Data Object - MachineAgentPairingData

Java Class


Property of

MachineDetailsView, MachineInfo


Horizon 7.5

Data Object Description

Agent pairing data for this Machine.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
pairingState xsd:string Agent pairing state. 1
* This property will be one of:
"NOT_AVAILABLE"Agent pairing state is not available.
"IN_PAIRING"Agent pairing with connection server is in progress.
"PAIRED_AND_SECURED"Agent is paired and secured with a Connection Server.
configuredByBroker xsd:string Name of the connection server the agent is paired with. 1
attemptedTheftByBroker xsd:string Name of the connection server that attempted theft of pairing for this Agent. 1

  1. This property need not be set.