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Data Object - MachineSessionData

Java Class


Property of


See also

SessionId, UserOrGroupId


Horizon 7.7

Data Object Description

Session data on the Machine.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
id SessionId Session id. 2
user UserOrGroupId Id of the user involved in this session. 2
userName xsd:string Name of the user involved in this session. 2
sessionProtocol xsd:string Protocol for this session. This will be unset for disconnected sessions. 1
* This property will be one of:
"PCOIP"Display protocol is PCoIP
"RDP"Display protocol is RDP
"BLAST"Display protocol is Blast
"CONSOLE"Display protocol is Console
"ULTRA"Display protocol is PCoIP Ultra
"UNKNOWN"Display protocol is unknown

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated.