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Data Object - UnderConstructionMachineCount

Java Class


Property of



Horizon 8.4

Data Object Description

Number of the machines which are in under construction state. Such machine's basicState is one of the following : PROVISIONING,CUSTOMIZING,MAINTENANCE,DELETING,WAIT_FOR_AGENT,AGENT_ERR_STARTUP_IN_PROGRESS, VALIDATING, AGENT_ERR_WAIT_FOR_HYBRID_JOIN

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
provisioning xsd:int Number of machines which are in PROVISIONING basicState. Applicable for VC managed virtual machines. 1
customizing xsd:int Number of machines which are in CUSTOMIZING basicState. Applicable only for VC managed virtual machines. 1
maintenance xsd:int Number of machines which are in MAINTENANCE basicState. Applicable only for VC managed virtual machines. 1
deleting xsd:int Number of machines which are in DELETING basicState. Applicable only for VC managed virtual machines. 1
waitForAgent xsd:int Number of machines which are in WAIT_FOR_AGENT basicState. Applicable only for VC managed virtual machines. 1
startupProgress xsd:int Number of machines which are in AGENT_ERR_STARTUP_IN_PROGRESS basicState. 1
validating xsd:int Number of machines which are in VALIDATING basicState. Applicable only for unmanaged machines. 1
waitForHybridDomainJoin xsd:int Number of machines which are in AGENT_ERR_WAIT_FOR_HYBRID_JOIN basicState. Applicable only for VC managed virtual machines. Since Horizon 8.13 1

  1. This property cannot be updated.