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Data Object - RoleBase

Java Class


Property of


Parameter to



Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Base data used for role creation.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
name xsd:string The role name. 2 3
description xsd:string The role description. 1 4
privileges xsd:string[] Privileges for this role. When being created or updated, input non-selectable privileges are ignored. 1
* This property will be one of:
ADMINISTRATORFull administrator privilege, including Multi-Datacenter View configuration.
ADMINISTRATOR_VIEWFull read-only administrator privilege, including Multi-Datacenter View configuration.
VC_CONFIG_VIEWRead-only access to vCenter Configuration.
LOG_COLLECTIONCollect Operation Logs.
FORENSICSManage Forensics Operations.
LOCAL_ADMINISTRATORFull local administrator privilege, except for Multi-Datacenter View configuration and managing roles/privileges.
LOCAL_ADMINISTRATOR_VIEWFull local read-only administrator privilege, except for Multi-Datacenter View configuration.
INVENTORY_ADMINISTRATORAccess to all inventory objects.
INVENTORY_ADMINISTRATOR_VIEWRead-only access to all inventory objects.
HELPDESK_ADMINISTRATORAccess to Help Desk portal.
HELPDESK_ADMINISTRATOR_VIEWRead-only access to Help Desk portal.
FEDERATED_LDAP_MANAGEManage Pod (Multi-Datacenter View) Federation.
FEDERATED_LDAP_VIEWRead-only access to global (Multi-Datacenter View) LDAP.
FEDERATED_SESSIONS_MANAGEManage federated (local and non-local) sessions.
FEDERATED_SESSIONS_VIEWRead-only access to federated (local and non-local) sessions.
GLOBAL_ADMINISTRATORManage global (non-inventory) configuration settings, including global (Multi-Datacenter View) LDAP.
GLOBAL_ADMINISTRATOR_VIEWRead-only access to global (non-inventory) configuration settings, including global (Multi-Datacenter View) LDAP.
GLOBAL_ADMIN_UI_INTERACTIVECan log into View Administrator.
GLOBAL_ADMIN_SDK_INTERACTIVECan run all command line utilities and PowerShell commands.
GLOBAL_MACHINE_REGISTERRegister non-vCenter machine sources such as Windows Terminal Servers and physical PCs.
GLOBAL_ROLE_PERMISSION_MANAGEMENTAdd, modify, and delete administrator roles and permissions.
GLOBAL_ROLE_MANAGEMENTAdd, modify, and delete administrator roles.
GLOBAL_ROLE_VIEWRead-only access to administrator roles.
GLOBAL_PERMISSION_VIEWRead-only access to administrator permissions.
GLOBAL_PERMISSION_MANAGEMENTAdd, modify, and delete administrator permissions.
GLOBAL_CONFIG_VIEWRead-only access to global (non-inventory) policy, configuration, and RDS server settings.
GLOBAL_CONFIG_MANAGEMENTView and change global (non-inventory) policy, configuration, and RDS server settings.
FOLDER_MANAGEMENTAdd, modify, and delete access groups.
FOLDER_VIEWRead-only access to access groups.
POOL_VIEWRead-only access to desktops, farms, applications, their local sessions, and their machines.
POOL_MANAGEMENTAdd, modify, and delete desktops, applications, and farms. Add and remove machines from desktops.
POOL_ENABLEEnable and disable desktops, farms, and applications.
POOL_ENTITLEAdd and remove desktop and application entitlements.
POOL_SVI_IMAGE_MANAGEMENTSchedule push image, maintenance, and change default image for desktops and farms.
MACHINE_VIEWRead-only access to machines and their local sessions.
MACHINE_MANAGEMENTPerform all machine and session-related commands.
MACHINE_REBOOTReset local machines.
MACHINE_SHUTDOWNShutdown local machines.
MACHINE_MANAGE_VDI_SESSIONDisconnect, logoff, and send messages to local sessions.
MACHINE_MANAGE_OFFLINE_SESSIONRoll back offline sessions and initiate replications.
MACHINE_USER_MANAGEMENTAssign and unassign users for machines, update machine aliases for machines.
MACHINE_MAINTENANCEPut machine in and out of maintenance mode.
MANAGE_REMOTE_PROCESSManage Remote Processes and Applications.
REMOTE_ASSISTANCERemote Assistance to Remote desktop.
API_SMART_CARD_BYPASSAllows API's credential-based login when smart card authentication mode is REQUIRED.
MANAGE_CERTIFICATESAllows user to import certificates or generate CSR.
UDD_VIEWRead-only access to persistent disks.
UDD_MANAGEMENTManage persistent disks.
HORIZON_CLOUD_SERVICEAllows Horizon cloud service to activate subscription license and monitoring from the cloud.
SUBSCRIPTION_LICENSE_ADDAllows activation of subscription license.
CLOUD_ADMINAllows Cloud Admin login.
CLOUD_ON_BOARDING_MANAGEMENTEnables cloud onboarding operations.
CLOUD_OPS_MANAGEMENTEnables post-onboarding operations from the cloud.
CAPACITY_PROVIDER_CONFIG_VIEWManage Capacity Provider Configuration (Read Only).
CAPACITY_PROVIDER_CONFIG_MANAGEMENTManage Capacity Provider Configuration.

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated. 

  3. This property must contain only alphanumerics, spaces, underscores, and dashes. The maximum length is 32 characters. 

  4. This property has a maximum length of 400 characters.