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Data Object - ImageManagementAssetSpec

Java Class


Parameter to


See also

ImageManagementStreamId, ImageManagementVersionId, MapEntry, VirtualCenterId


Horizon 7.10

Data Object Description

Data required for creating an Image Management Asset.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
status xsd:string Image management asset status.
* This property will be one of:
AVAILABLEImage management asset is available for pools/farms to be created.
DELETEDImage management asset has been deleted.
DEPLOYING_VMImage management asset is deploying VM on the virtual center.
DEPLOYMENT_DONEImage management asset VM deployed on the virtual center.
DISABLEDImage management asset has been disabled and no further pool/farm operation can be done using the same.
FAILEDImage management asset creation has failed.
REPLICATINGCopying the specialized images across all virtual centers.
RETRY_PENDINGWhen image management asset creation has failed, retry action is pending for asset to be created.
SPECIALIZING_VMImage management asset is being published and specialized internally like installing agents etc.
cloneType xsd:string Image management asset clone type.
* This property will be one of:
FULL_CLONEImage management asset to be used in full clone automated desktop.
INSTANT_CLONEImage management asset to be used in instant clone desktop/farm.
imageType xsd:string Image management asset image type.
* This property will be one of:
RDSH_APPImage management asset to be used for farm creation which is be used in application.
RDSH_DESKTOPImage management asset is for farm creation to be created.
VDI_DESKTOPImage management asset is available for desktops/farms to be created.
vmTemplateMoid xsd:string MOID of virtual machine template. 1 2
vmMoid xsd:string MOID of virtual machine. Must be set if vmTemplateMoid is unset. 1 2
vmSnapshotMoid xsd:string MOID of virtual machine snapshot. Must be set if vmTemplateMoid is unset and vmMoid is set. 1 2
imageManagementStream ImageManagementStreamId Image management stream to which this asset belongs to. 2
imageManagementVersion ImageManagementVersionId Image management version to which this asset belongs to. 2
virtualCenter VirtualCenterId Virtual Center where this asset is created. 2
additionalDetails MapEntry[] Additional details about image management asset. 1

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated.