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Data Object - EnvironmentSettings

Java Class


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Horizon 7.6

Data Object Description

Environment settings information.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
ipMode xsd:string Indicates the IP mode of the environment. 1
* This property will be one of:
"IPv4"This Connection Server is running in IPv4 environment.
"IPv6"This Connection Server is running in IPv6 environment.
fipsModeEnabled xsd:boolean Indicates if FIPS mode is enabled. 2 1
clusterName xsd:string The name of a group of connection servers sharing the same configuration. Since Horizon 7.7 1
clusterGuid xsd:string The GUID of a group of connection servers sharing the same configuration. Since Horizon 7.7 1
localPodName xsd:string The name of the current pod in the Multi-DataCenter View Pod, the value will be null when PodFederation is not initialized. Since Horizon 7.7 1
timezoneOffset xsd:int Represents this Connection Server's time zone offset from UTC in seconds. Since Horizon 7.7 1

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property has a default value of false.