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Data Object - DesktopRecomposeSpec

Java Class


Parameter to


See also

BaseImageSnapshotId, BaseImageVmId, MachineId


Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Specification for the recompose operation. This operation is applicable only to View Composer sourced desktops.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
parentVm BaseImageVmId New base image VM for View Composer VMs. This must be in the same datacenter as the base image of the desktop.
snapshot BaseImageSnapshotId Base image snapshot for the View Composer desktop.
startTime xsd:dateTime When to start the operation. If unset the operation will begin immediately. 1
logoffSetting xsd:string Determines when to perform the operation on machines which have an active session.
* This property will be one of:
FORCE_LOGOFFUsers will be forced to log off when the system is ready to operate on their virtual machines. Before being forcibly logged off, users may have a grace period in which to save their work (Global Settings).
WAIT_FOR_LOGOFFWait for connected users to disconnect before the task starts. The operation starts immediately on machines without active sessions.
stopOnFirstError xsd:boolean Indicates that the operation should stop on first error. 2
machines MachineId[] The machines to recompose. These must be associated with the desktop. MachineIds of this type must originate from the Machine service, but not the VirtualMachine or RegisteredPhysicalMachine services.
changeImageForNewVMs xsd:boolean Change the default image for new machines. If this flag set to TRUE, existing machines in the pool get re-composed to the selected snapshot and new machines creates from the latest snapshot. If this flag is set to FALSE, existing machines in the pool gets re-composed to the selected snapshot and new machines creates from the older snapshot which is selected while creating pool Since Horizon 7.7 2 1

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property has a default value of true.