Data Object - SessionGlobalReferenceData
Java Class
Property of
See also
GlobalApplicationEntitlementId, GlobalEntitlementId, PodId, SessionLocalReferenceData, SiteId, UserOrGroupId
Horizon View 6.0
Data Object Description¶
References to other objects in a global session.
Data Object Properties¶
Name | Type | Description |
user | UserOrGroupId | User for this session. |
brokerUser | UserOrGroupId | User Id for the broker user associated with the session. 1 |
globalEntitlement | GlobalEntitlementId | Global entitlement Id for this session. Either globalEntitlement or globalApplicationEntitlements will be set but not both. 1 |
globalApplicationEntitlement | GlobalApplicationEntitlementId | Deprecated._useglobalApplicationEntitlements instead _ Global application entitlement Id for this session Since Horizon View 6.2 1 |
globalApplicationEntitlements | GlobalApplicationEntitlementId[] | The Global Application Entitlements that have been used to launch applications in this session. Either globalEntitlement or globalApplicationEntitlements will be set but not both. Since Horizon 7.2 1 |
site | SiteId | Site Id of Pod where session landed. |
brokeringPod | PodId | Pod Id of Pod where session was brokered. 1 |
pod | PodId | Pod Id of Pod where session was established. 1 |
localReferenceData | SessionLocalReferenceData | References to the local pod's object if this global session residing on the local pod. Unset if this session does not reside on the local pod. 1 |