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Data Object - EventSummaryView

Java Class


See also

EventData, EventNamesData


Horizon 7.3

Data Object Description

The EventSummaryView Object.

Queryable Data Object

This data object is queryable using QueryService.

Query definitions can specify the following member types:

The following caveats apply: * This will consider the events from Event, Event_Data database tables only, and will not return events from historical database tables. * The first filter may be any of the above or an QueryFilterAnd or QueryFilterOr filter specifying any combination of the above. * If sortBy is not specified, resulting events will be sorted by time. * maxPageSize cannot exceed 1000.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
eventId xsd:int ID of the event in Event Database.
data EventData EventData Object that contains the attributes related to this event.
namesData EventNamesData EventNamesData object that contains the naming attributes related to this event.