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Data Object - DesktopAssignmentData

Java Class


Property of


See also



Horizon 7.9

Data Object Description

Core attributes of a desktop assignment data.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
name xsd:string Unique name for the desktop
displayName xsd:string Desktop display name.
enabled xsd:boolean Determines if the desktop is enabled
type xsd:string Type of desktop.
* This property will be one of:
AUTOMATEDAn automated desktop creates virtual machines cloned from a base template or snapshot.
MANUALA manual machine desktop allows selection of existing virtual machines and addition to the desktop of available machines to connect to.
RDSAn RDS Desktop.
source xsd:string Source of machines.
* This property will be one of:
VIRTUAL_CENTERVirtual center virtual machines managed as view machines. This option is valid for Automated and Manual Desktop. In case of Automated Desktop, these refer to Full Virtual Machines that are created from a vCenter Server template.
VIEW_COMPOSERView composer linked clones managed as view machines. They share the same base image and use less storage space than full virtual machines. The user profile for linked clones can be redirected to persistent disks that will be unaffected by OS updates and refreshes. This option is only valid for Automated Desktop.
INSTANT_CLONE_ENGINEInstant clone engine created 'instant clones' managed as view machines. Instant clone engine uses vmfork technology to create the instant clones, these clones take very less time for provisioning. Instant clones have many similarities to linked clones. This option is only valid for Automated Desktop.
UNMANAGEDNon-vCenter Server virtual machines managed as view machines. These can include physical computers, non-vCenter Server virtual machines, and blade PCs. This option is only valid for Manual Desktops.
RDSThis option is only valid for RDS Desktops.
globalEntitlement GlobalEntitlementId Global entitlement for this desktop. This member will be null if not set or caller does not have global read permissions. 1
numMachines xsd:int Number of machines in the desktop. The machines may be queried using the query service for Machine. This field does not apply to RDS desktops. The RDS servers associated with an RDS desktop may be queried using the query service for RDSServer.
operatingSystem xsd:string The guest operating system. Applicable only for automated desktops. 1
* This property will be one of:
Windows XPWindows XP
Windows VistaWindows Vista
Windows 7Windows 7
Windows 8Windows 8
Windows 10Windows 10
Windows Server 2003Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2008Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008R2Windows Server 2008R2
Windows Server 2012Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012R2Windows Server 2012R2
Windows Server 10null
Windows Server 2016null
Windows Server 2016 or aboveWindows Server 2016 or above
Linux (other)Linux (other)
Linux Server (other)Linux server (other)
Linux (Ubuntu)Linux (Ubuntu)
Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)Linux (Red Hat Enterprise)
Linux (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server)Linux (Suse)
Linux (CentOS)Linux (CentOS)
operatingSystemArchitecture xsd:string The guest operating system architecture. Applicable only for automated desktops. 1
* This property will be one of:
UnknownOperating System cannot be determined.
32_bit32 bit Operating System Architecture.
64_bit64 bit Operating System Architecture.
enableGRIDvGPUs xsd:boolean When 3D rendering is managed by the vSphere Client, this enables support for NVIDIA GRID vGPUs. This must be false if 3D rendering is not managed by the vSphere Client. If this is true, the host or cluster associated with the desktop must support NVIDIA GRID and vGPU types required by the desktop's VirtualMachines, VmTemplate, or BaseImageSnapshot. If this is false, the desktop's VirtualMachines, VmTemplate, or BaseImageSnapshot must not support NVIDIA GRID vGPUs. Since suspending VMs with passthrough devices such as vGPUs is not possible, powerPolicy cannot be set to SUSPEND if this is enabled. 3
renderer3D xsd:string 3D rendering is supported on Windows 7 or later guests running on VMs with virtual hardware version 8 or later. The default protocol must be PCoIP and users must not be allowed to choose their own protocol to enable 3D rendering. For instant clone source desktop 3D rendering always mapped to MANAGE_BY_VSPHERE_CLIENT 5
* This property will be one of:
MANAGE_BY_VSPHERE_CLIENT3D rendering managed by vSphere Client.
AUTOMATIC3D rendering is automatic.
SOFTWARE3D rendering is software dependent. The software renderer is supported (at minimum) on virtual hardware version 8 in a vSphere 5.0 environment.
HARDWARE3D rendering is hardware dependent. The hardware-based renderer is supported (at minimum) on virtual hardware version 9 in a vSphere 5.1 environment.
DISABLED3D rendering is disabled.
allowUsersToChooseProtocol xsd:boolean Whether the users can choose the protocol. 4
allowMultipleSessionsPerUser xsd:boolean Whether multiple sessions are allowed per user for this pool. This is valid for RDS Desktops. For other Desktops use allowMultipleSessionsPerUser 3 1
allowUsersToResetMachines xsd:boolean Whether users are allowed to reset/restart their machines. 3
defaultDisplayProtocol xsd:string The default display protocol for the desktop. For a managed desktop, this will default to "PCOIP". For an unmanaged desktop, this will default to "RDP".
* This property will be one of:
RDPMicrosoft Remote Desktop Protocol.
enableHTMLAccess xsd:boolean Deprecated.This property is no longer in use for Horizon Components. It is always set to true. HTML Access, enabled by VMware Blast technology, allows users to connect to View machines from Web browsers. View Client software does not have to be installed on the client devices. To enable HTML Access, you must install the HTML Machine Access feature pack. Also, Blast must be configured as a supported protocol in #supportedDisplayProtocols. 4 1
enableCollaboration xsd:boolean Enable session collaboration feature. Session collaboration allows a user to share their remote session with other users. Blast must be configured as a supported protocol in #supportedDisplayProtocols. 3 1
userAssignment xsd:string User assignment scheme.
* This property will be one of:
DEDICATEDWith dedicated assignment, a user returns to the same machine at each session.
FLOATINGWith floating assignment, a user may return to one of the available virtual machines for the next session.
multipleSessionAutoClean xsd:boolean This value is used to determine if automatic session clean up is enabled. This cannot be enabled when this Global Entitlement is associated with a Desktop that has dedicated user assignment.
cloudManaged xsd:boolean Indicates whether this desktop is managed by Horizon Cloud Services. Since Horizon 7.11 3 1 2
cloudAssigned xsd:boolean Indicates whether this desktop is assigned to a workspace in Horizon Cloud Services. Since Horizon 7.11 3 1 2
numAssignedMachines xsd:int Number of machines in the desktop which are assigned to users. The value will be zero for floating assignment desktop. Since Horizon 7.11 6 2

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated. 

  3. This property has a default value of false. 

  4. This property has a default value of true. 

  5. This property has a default value of 'DISABLED'. 

  6. This property has a default value of 0.