Data Object - FarmMaintenanceSpec
Java Class
Parameter to
Farm_ImageManagementScheduleMaintenance, Farm_ScheduleMaintenance
See also
FarmImageMaintenanceSettings, FarmImageManagementMaintenanceSettings, FarmRecurringMaintenanceSettings
Horizon 7.1
Data Object Description¶
Settings for maintenance operations. This is applicable only for RDSH Instant Clone Farm
Data Object Properties¶
Name | Type | Description | ||||||
maintenanceMode | xsd:string | The mode of schedule maintenance for Instant Clone Farm * This property will be one of:
scheduledTime | xsd:dateTime | When to actually perform the next maintenance. For IMMEDIATE if unset, maintenance will begin immediately. For RECURRING If unset, will be calculated based on current recurring maintenance configuration. If in the past, maintenance will begin immediately. 1 | ||||||
logoffSetting | xsd:string | Determines when to perform the operation on machines which have an active session. * This property will be one of:
stopOnFirstError | xsd:boolean | Indicates that the operation should stop on first error. 2 1 | ||||||
recurringMaintenanceSettings | FarmRecurringMaintenanceSettings | Recurring maintenance configuration settings. Required only if maintenanceMode == RECURRING 1 3 | ||||||
imageMaintenanceSettings | FarmImageMaintenanceSettings | Settings for the Image maintenance. This is required only if maintenance is triggered using Farm_ScheduleMaintenance API. 1 | ||||||
imageManagementMaintenanceSettings | FarmImageManagementMaintenanceSettings | Settings for the Image maintenance if farm is created using image catalog. This is required only if maintenance is triggered using Farm_ImageManagementScheduleMaintenance API. Since Horizon 7.10 1 |