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Data Object - SessionData

Java Class


Property of

SessionGlobalSummaryView, SessionLocalSummaryView


Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Session data.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
sessionType xsd:string Type of this session.
* This property will be one of:
"DESKTOP"Desktop or RDS Desktop session
"APPLICATION"Application session
sessionProtocol xsd:string Protocol for this session. This will be unset for disconnected sessions. 1
* This property will be one of:
"PCOIP"Display protocol is PCoIP
"RDP"Display protocol is RDP
"BLAST"Display protocol is Blast
"CONSOLE"Display protocol is Console
"UNKNOWN"Display protocol is unknown
sessionState xsd:string State of this session. 1
* This property will be one of:
"CONNECTED"CONNECTED: Session is connected
"DISCONNECTED"DISCONNECTED: Session is disconnected
"PENDING"PENDING: Session is pending
startTime xsd:dateTime Time when this session was originally logged in. The lifecycle of a session begins at login and ends at logout, with any number of connect and disconnect occurrences between. The first connection time will be shortly after this time. 1
disconnectTime xsd:dateTime Time when the session was last disconnected. This will be unset on error or if the session has never been disconnected. 1
lastSessionDurationMS xsd:long Duration of the last connection period of the session in milliseconds. If the session is currently connected, this is the duration that the session has been in connected state. If the session is currently disconnected, this is the duration of its previous connection period. This will be unset on error. 1
brokeredRemotely xsd:boolean Is this session brokered from a remote pod? It is only populated if the Horizon View agent where the session resides is version 6.0 or later. 1
resourcedRemotely xsd:boolean Is this session running on a remote pod resource?
unauthenticated xsd:boolean Indicates if this session is of unauthenticated access user. Since Horizon 7.1 1
idleDuration xsd:long Idle time duration in minutes. Indicates how long the end user of this session has been idle. Since Horizon 7.4 1

  1. This property need not be set.