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Network Insights

Whenever an app makes a network call, Workspace ONE Intelligence SDK monitors and captures certain information automatically. You can optionally configure filtering and location details. For an introduction, see Network Insights Overview.

Workspace ONE Intelligence SDK automatically monitors the performance of network requests formed via the following APIs:

  • all iOS versions
  • [NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:delegate:]
  • [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler]
  • [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error:]
  • [NSURLConnection initWithRequest:delegate:]
  • [NSURLConnection initWithRequest:delegate:startImmediately:]
  • iOS 8 and above
  • [NSURLSession dataTaskWithURL:]
  • [NSURLSession dataTaskWithURL:completionHandler:]
  • [NSURLSession dataTaskWithRequest:]
  • [NSURLSession dataTaskWithRequest:completionHandler:]
  • [NSURLSession downloadTaskWithURL:]
  • [NSURLSession downloadTaskWithURL:completionHandler:]
  • [NSURLSession downloadTaskWithRequest:]
  • [NSURLSession downloadTaskWithRequest:completionHandler:]
  • [NSURLSession downloadTaskWithResumeData:]
  • [NSURLSession downloadTaskWithResumeData:completionHandler:]

Workspace ONE Intelligence can also monitor requests made via web views. This form of monitoring must be explicitly enabled. See more details see Monitoring Web Views.

  • [WKWebView loadRequest:]


Workspace ONE Intelligence does not monitor [UIWebView loadRequest:]. If you need this, consider using WKWebView or Logging Network Request.

Disabling Network Insights

See Network Insights Configuration to disable automatic Network Insights.

Filtering Captured Data

It is possible to customise filter blacklists that will completely discard matching URLs. See CRFilter and Network Insights Configuration for more information.

Configuring Location

Network Insights can tie location information to network data, if the application provides the location. By default, location information is not obtained by Workspace ONE Intelligence SDK.

You can update location information by using the method updateLocation.

Further Reading