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This cmdlet disconnects the connection to a Horizon API service that runs on an instance of the Horizon Connection server specified by the -Server parameter. When there are no active connections to the server, the server is disconnected and removed from the $DefaultHVServers variable. For more information about this variable, see Connect-HVServer.

When no server and no user parameter is specified, and if there is only one connected server in the $DefaultHVServers variable, this server is disconnected. If there is no connected server or multiple servers, the cmdlet throws a terminating error. This functionality uses the reference counting mechanism. A disconnect decreases the RefCount for that server. For more information about the mechanism, see Connect-HVServer.

If -Force is specified, the server is disconnected even if there is more than one connection to it.


  Disconnect-HVServer [-Force]
                      [-Server  <ViewServer[]>]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
optional Force SwitchParameter named Specifies that you want to remove all existing connections to the specified servers.
optional Server ViewServer[] named pipeline Specifies the Horizon API service that runs on an instance of a Horizon Connection server that you want to disconnect from.




Example 1

$HVServer = Connect-HVServer -Server server; Disconnect-HVServer -server $HVServer Disconnects the connection to the specified Horizon API service that runs on an instance of a Horizon Connection server.

Example 2

$HVServer = Connect-HVServer -Server server; Disconnect-HVServer -Force * Disconnects all connected Horizon API services that run on instances of Horizon Connection servers.


This cmdlet establishes a connection to the Horizon API service that runs on an instance of the Horizon Connection server.