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Data Object - LogCollectorFilter

Java Class


Property of



Horizon 7.10

Data Object Description

Filter to specify the type of information to be collected while requesting for logs bundle collection.

Data Object Properties

Name Type Description
logCollectorFilterType xsd:string[] Filter type to be used while collecting the logs bundle. Filter is set to DEFAULT if none specified. 4 3
* This property will be one of:
DEFAULTNo dumps included with DEFAULT filter.
PRODUCT_DUMPCollect the product dumps, if present.
WINDOWS_DUMPCollects the windows dumps, if present.
stickyLogCollection xsd:boolean Indicates the connection server processing the LogCollectorSpec becomes the download owner. Since Horizon 7.12 1 2
featureList xsd:string[] List of features for which the logs need to be collected. Feature wise log collection is supported only for AGENT and AGENT_RDS. Following is the list of currently supported features.
allAll Features
rtavReal Time Audio Video
agentcoreAgent Core features
virtualchannelVirtual Channel
cdrClient Drive Redirection
clipboardClipboard Redirection
vdpserviceVDP Service
dndDrag and Drop
dpisyncDPI Synchronization
faFile Type Association
perftrackerPerformance Tracker
printredirPrinter Redirection
publishedappPublished Applications
scannerredirectionScanner Redirection
serialportredirectionSerial Port Redirection
smartcardSmart Card Redirection
tsmmrMultimedia Redirection
urlredirectionURL Content Redirection
usbUSB Redirection
Note: The supported feature list is subject to change as and when new features get added. Use getLogLevels(LogCollectorComponentIdentifier) to get list of installed features and its log levels. Since Horizon 8.4 1

  1. This property need not be set. 

  2. This property cannot be updated. 

  3. This property is an unordered array of unique values. 

  4. This property has a default value of ["DEFAULT"].